Thursday, September 23, 2010


Showing authenticity is a true sign of genuine engagement and commitment. If you are doing something that you're passionate about and enjoying it, chances are you're demonstrating authenticity. On the other hand, let's say for example you're working a job you hate or have grown to not enjoy. To keep earning money, most likely you are going to put on a happy face when working and not put in 100% effort or commitment. And certainly you're not going to enjoy yourself. This could be an example for not showing authenticity. So when looking at you (the individuals) limits for your own authenticity, i believe it's important to analyze and determine if you're truly enjoying what you're doing, and if you could put 100% effort into it without feeling burden or regret. My philosophy is that if you're not enjoying what you're doing, you need to rethink if what you're doing is the right thing. You can always see those workers who aren't showing authenticity. They're the ones who look physically not interested and have little enthusiasm when engaging with someone else. I believe you have to be genuine with yourself and work to be as authentic as possible in any situation. Then knowing your limits will come naturally.
Teachers are one of the easiest to catch not having authenticity. I think everyone has had a teacher in the past that just seemed totally not interested in the students. Those kind of teachers that keep looking at the clock and just trying to get threw the day. Students feel this lack of interest the most. They're the ones who are suppose to be retaining knowledge from the teacher. If the teachers going to have low energy and feed information with an uninterested attitude, the students are going to retain that same attitude and probably not have the interest to absorb the information. Learning is different for everyone. So if a teacher doesn't have the dedication to become flexible and patient with their lessons, they should reconsider their position. It's as simple as this. If the student isn't gaining anything out of a class, the teacher could be one to blame for that. If you can't feel the authenticity from a teacher, then they're not giving any.
Not having authenticity in the classroom can have some long lasting repercussions. As stated before, if the teacher is feeding information with a non-interested filter and showing no interest in students learning, the student will soak up that same attitude and tainted information. For example, I had a terribly uninterested teacher for history, and my friend had an enthusiastic and interested teacher in high school. Because of my teacher not showing authenticity in his lessons, I didn't retain much and i now look at history as boring and uninteresting. When on the other hand, my friend's teacher portrayed history in an interesting light because he taught in a way that adapted to every student. He made history fun for his class and now my friend loves the subject. Teachers can be amazing influences to developing students, or they can be a burden to their development. Students get what the teacher puts in. It's really that simple.

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